Grow Green Onions in your kitchen

A while back I was reading random blogs across the net and happened to land on an interesting article over at Urban Organic Gardner. ‘Growing Green Onions From Green Onions in Your Kitchen

Essentially you ‘re-grow’ green onions after each use. I remembered as a kid, growing the roots on a potato in a cup of water  so I figured why not give this a try.

My wife and I used our green onions, then gave it a shot; sure enough, it worked:

I know it won’t last too many more times, but we’re now on the 3rd grow for this particular set of onions, and they still taste good.

Give it a try!

Have you tried something similar? We’d like to hear about it in the comments.

4 comments on “Grow Green Onions in your kitchen

      • I haven’t either, I just heard that somewhere.

        Actually, dandelion greens are one of the most nutritious leafy greens out there. Dandelions were actually brought here from Europe as a food crop. I’m not really sure how they got their reputation as a weed, though perhaps it’s because they push out other, established plants.

        Be careful trying it though. Make sure that chemicals have never been sprayed on it if you do.

        • I’d be up for trying them, not positive where I would get enough to eat though unless I found a local course that sold them. I will have to look, maybe someone at one of our local farmers markets will know!

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